School equipment

Teaching base

Modern education requires the ability to use all available tools and resources in order to improve the transfer of information. Since modern technology is more and more visible in our everyday life, we cannot forget about it at school. Multimedia, Internet, electronic aids often allow to conduct lessons in an interesting and comprehensible way for a young audience. For this reason every year our school enriches its base with modern teaching aids. Each classroom in the school is equipped with a computer station for the teacher to work during the lesson with the Windows 10 operating system and Ms Office 2019 package. In addition to specialist catering and hospitality equipment, the school is equipped with IT and subject classrooms, equipped with monitors/interactive whiteboards with appropriate multimedia teaching aids, so that our students have their knowledge transferred not only in the form of a lecture, but in that particularly loved form - interactive, film, music and pictures.
Selected laboratories are equipped with visualisers, flipcharts, laser and telescopic pointers.


Język polski

Pracownia wyposażona jest w  TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem i listwą dźwiękową oraz wizualizer, flipchart, skaner, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.

During Polish classes, teachers use Internet sources to present movie clips as well as film reproductions for deeper discussion about their book equivalents. While using YouTube service, we are able to show interdisciplinary nature of art as well as artistic reference to texts of culture. In order to present literary issues, teachers use electronic teaching aids i.e. Multiteka and Multibook (electronic student's book, electronic base containing texts of culture).

POLISH LANGUAGE. Interactive charts.
The topics cover literary and cultural issues from antiquity to positivism, as well as literary education and creating statements.
The charts contain numerous materials to make the lessons more interesting: additional texts, photo galleries (slideshows), 360° photos, maps, video clips, recordings. Interactive exercises at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work.




Pracownia wyposażona jest w  TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem i listwą dźwiękową oraz wizualizer, flipchart, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.

POLISH LANGUAGE. Interactive charts.
The topics cover literary and cultural issues from antiquity to positivism, as well as literary education and creating statements.
The charts contain numerous materials to make the lessons more interesting: additional texts, photo galleries (slideshows), 360° photos, maps, video clips, recordings. Interactive exercises at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work. 





English Language Extended Level/ Professional English

Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem, głośniki, mikrofon, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.

During English classes we use electronic versions of textbooks published by Oxford University Press. In vocational English classes we use an application published by Egis, which includes electronic versions of textbooks for hotel management and catering. Moreover, teachers use ICT tools such as Padlet, quizlet, mentimeter and many others.

The classroom has been equipped with 10 Digitalbooks

2.Hotels and Catering
4.Food Service Industry
5.Travel Agent
6.Nutrition and Dietetics
7.Fast Food
8.Flight Attendant
9.Beauty Salon
10.Business English

Oraz  programy
1.On screen A2+ /B1
2.On screen B1+/B2



Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem, głośniki i mikrofon.

During English classes we use electronic versions of textbooks published by Oxford University Press. In vocational English classes we use an application published by Egis, which includes electronic versions of textbooks for hotel management and catering. Moreover, teachers use ICT tools such as Padlet, quizlet, mentimeter and many others.

The classroom has been equipped with 10 Digitalbooks

2.Hotels and Catering
4.Food Service Industry
5.Travel Agent
6.Nutrition and Dietetics
7.Fast Food
8.Flight Attendant
9.Beauty Salon
10.Business English

Oraz  programy
1.On screen A2+ /B1
2.On screen B1+/B2




 Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem, głośniki, mikrofon i wskaźnik teleskopowy.

During English classes we use electronic versions of textbooks published by Oxford University Press. In vocational English classes we use an application published by Egis, which includes electronic versions of textbooks for hotel management and catering. Moreover, teachers use ICT tools such as Padlet, quizlet, mentimeter and many others.

The classroom has been equipped with 10 Digitalbooks

2.Hotels and Catering
4.Food Service Industry
5.Travel Agent
6.Nutrition and Dietetics
7.Fast Food
8.Flight Attendant
9.Beauty Salon
10.Business English

Oraz  programy
1.On screen A2+ /B1
2.On screen B1+/B2



Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem, głośniki, mikrofon i wskaźnik teleskopowy.

During English classes we use electronic versions of textbooks published by Oxford University Press. In vocational English classes we use an application published by Egis, which includes electronic versions of textbooks for hotel management and catering. Moreover, teachers use ICT tools such as Padlet, quizlet, mentimeter and many others.

The classroom has been equipped with 10 Digitalbooks

2.Hotels and Catering
4.Food Service Industry
5.Travel Agent
6.Nutrition and Dietetics
7.Fast Food
8.Flight Attendant
9.Beauty Salon
10.Business English

Oraz  programy
1.On screen A2+ /B1
2.On screen B1+/B2



Laboratory of nutrition planning

The lab is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers, visualizer, flipchart, laser and telescopic pointer.

Each computer in the room has Windows 10 operating system and Ms Office 2019 Professional installed.




Język niemiecki

Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem i listwą dźwiękową.

GERMAN LANGUAGE. Interactive charts.
Each topic introduces and consolidates the use of German language, comprehension tasks for written and oral expression, written and oral production, reacting, parahrasing and project tasks.
The topics covered include everyday life, German cuisine, home and neighbourhood, sport, culture, travel, health, youth fashion and the culture of German speaking countries. Additional numerous interactive materials such as photo galleries (over 500), animations, maps, recorded dialogues in German with tasks and descriptions, as well as recordings of excerpts from works by German and Austrian composers, e.g: R. Schumann, W. A. Mozart, L. van Beethoven, among others.




Historia, Wiedza o społeczeństwie

 Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem i listwą dźwiękową, wizualizer, flipchart, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.

HISTORY. Interactive charts.
Interactive infographics and illustration galleries (e.g. buildings, works of art, 3D models) help to make history lessons more interesting. Interesting films presenting important elements of history from ancient times to the Napoleonic era. 360° photos are an innovative form of presentation of historical monuments and places connected with history. Interactive exercises at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work. The material combines content from the basic and extended level.

Multimedialny ćwiczeniowy atlas historyczny
Składa się z ponad 200 interaktywnych map ćwiczeniowych, konturowych i kolorowych map poglądowych pogrupowanych w 36 pakietach tematycznych. Dają one możliwość tworzenia własnych map oraz edycji poleceń, jest to możliwe dzięki warstwowej konstrukcji każdej mapy. Włączając i wyłączając poszczególne warstwy, np. granice, zasięgi, kierunki działań czy miejsca zdarzeń można skomponować mapę dokładnie odpowiadającą własnym założeniom.






Geografia, Geografia rozszerzona 

Pracownia wyposażona jest w MONITOR interaktywny na podstawie jezdnej, skaner, wizualizer, flipchart, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.


Multimedia usage during geography classes:
1. Multimedia presentations, most often prepared by pupils.
2. Multimedia Student’s books which enable for cooperative analysis of texts with no need of taking regular books to school.
3. E-maps and economics data can be always up to date.
4. Interactive maps enable terrain analysis.
5. Multimedia computer programs.

The geography lab has been equipped with a Virtual Geography Nature Lab based on materials prepared using virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It includes:

• graphics in the form of interactive maps, diagrams and charts presenting issues

• of socio-economic geography of  Poland and the world,

• animations and simulations of physical and geographic phenomena and processes

• illustrations in three-dimensional graphics presenting celestial bodies of the Solar System,

• tasks requiring drawing conclusions on the basis of data analysis in the form of tables, diagrams, maps,

• materials developing the ability to read maps and analyse their content

• many pictures presenting various landscapes, phenomena, animals and plants in Poland and in the world.

Developed in WLP in Geography Topics:

1. Maps and their use.

2. The rotation of the Earth and time zones

3. Celestial bodies of the Solar System.

4. Determination of geographical coordinates on the basis of astronomical observations.

5. The Moon as a satellite of the Earth.

6. Forecasting the weather on the basis of synoptic maps and satellite images.

7. Climates on Earth

8. Types of lakes

9. Plutonism and volcanism

10. Geological profile analysis

11. Weathering

12. Sculpturing factors

13. Rocks and minerals

14. Soil and its types

15.Vegetation on floors

16.Vegetation zones on the Earth

17. Analysing indicators of socio-economic development

18. Demography

19. Energy sources

20. The role of tourism in the world economy

21. World diseases

22. Landscapes of Poland

23. Socio-cultural diversity of  Poland

24. Industry of advanced technologies in Poland

25. Pollution of the Baltic Sea waters

Multimedialny Geograficzny Atlas Świata
Multimedialny Geograficzny Atlas Świata składa się z 28 interaktywnych map ogólnogeograficznych i tematycznych, posiada funkcjonalności takie jak:

  • kreator (projektant) map umożliwiający tworzenie własnych map,
  • dynamiczna skala przeliczająca się w zależności od powiększenia,
  • dostosowanie skali do wielkości ekranu czy tablicy,
  • sprzężona z projektantem legenda objaśnia tylko elementy wybrane do danej mapy,
  • mini-mapa lokalizująca na mapie głównej wyświetlany obszar,
  • moduł tworzenia własnych notatek przypisanych do danej mapy,
  • opcja drukowania pozwala na wydruk mapy o wybranym obszarze i zakresie treściowym,
  • warstwy interaktywne zawierające materiał ilustracyjny, animacje, definicje, ciekawostki.

1. Geopolityka

2. Podział polityczny

3. Rejony konfliktów

4. Mapa konturowa

5. Geografia fizyczna

6. Ukształtowanie powierzchni

7. Krainy geograficzne

8. Geologia i tektonika

9. Tektonika płyt litosfery

10. Hydrografia

11. Strefy klimatyczne

12. Klęski żywiołowe

13. Biogeografia

14. Formacje roślinne i biomy

15. Państwa florystyczne

16. Krainy zoogeograficzne

17. Ochrona bioróżnorodności

18. Degradacja środowiska

19. Ekonomia

20. Rolnictwo i użytkowanie gleby

21. Surowce, przemysł, energetyka

22. Ugrupowania gospodarcze

23. PKB i rozwój gospodarczy

24. Transport

25. Demografia

26. Rozmieszczenie ludności

27. Struktury demograficzne

28. HDI i migracje







History classes are more attractive with multimedia means of conveying information. During the lesson, pupils use maps and interactive charts. Pupils are able to see theoretical knowledge in form of multimedia presentation, film, animation or 3D models e.g. World War II weaponry. Furthermore, thanks to short film clips youth is acquainted with biographical entries of the most important historical characters and crucial events important for humanity and nations. The aim of multimedia lessons is to facilitate learning and interest the youth with a subject.


HISTORY. Interactive charts.
Interactive infographics and illustration galleries (e.g. buildings, works of art, 3D models) help to make history lessons more interesting. Interesting films presenting important elements of history from ancient times to the Napoleonic era. 360° photos are an innovative form of presentation of historical monuments and places connected with history. Interactive exercises at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work. The material combines content from the basic and extended level.


Multimedialny ćwiczeniowy atlas historyczny
Składa się z ponad 200 interaktywnych map ćwiczeniowych, konturowych i kolorowych map poglądowych pogrupowanych w 36 pakietach tematycznych. Dają one możliwość tworzenia własnych map oraz edycji poleceń, jest to możliwe dzięki warstwowej konstrukcji każdej mapy. Włączając i wyłączając poszczególne warstwy, np. granice, zasięgi, kierunki działań czy miejsca zdarzeń można skomponować mapę dokładnie odpowiadającą własnym założeniom.






Biologia, Biologia rozszerzona

Pracownia wyposażona jest w TABLICĘ interaktywną z projektorem i listwą dźwiękową, wizualizer, wskaźnik laserowy i teleskopowy.

During Biology classes I use DVD movies concearning biological variety, national parks and genetics. I also use YouTube as a source of my movie materials. As part of additional work, pupils prepare to me multimedia presentations using Internet as a source of their Information.

The biology laboratory has been equipped with a Virtual Nature Laboratory in biology based on materials prepared using virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It includes:

• photographs of  microscopic preparations of plant and animal tissues taken in the laboratory, which can be observed at three different magnifications in a simulated microscope,

• documentation of observations in the form of  illustrations, photographs and films of real observations of  plants and animals and of experiments carried out in biological laboratories,

• elements of  an interactive atlas of  human anatomy with a detailed description of the individual structures of the human body,

• internal and external structure of selected organs presented in the form of 3D models,

• possibility of conducting measurements and analyses in simulated experiments and biological observations,

• possibility of modelling the course of experiments and selecting appropriate reagents, equipment and tested material,

• developing skills of planning and performing biological research in accordance with the idea of the scientific method.


The topics developed in the WLP in Biology:

1. Detection of starch in selected foods

2. Protein coagulation

3. Denaturation of proteins

4. Detection of peptide bonds

5. Characteristic reactions of proteins

6. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells - similarities and distinctions

7. External & internal factors affecting the intensity of photosynthesis

8. Work with a microscope - plant tissue

9. Plant tissue atlas

10. Monocotyledonous and dicotyledonous plants

11. Water transport in the plant

12. Seed germination


13. Effects of selected element deficiencies on plant growth and development

14. Phytohormones and plant movements

15. Identification of arthropods,

16. The internal structure of amphibians.

17. Working with the microscope - muscle tissue.

18. Digestive system

19. Lung structure and function,

20. Heart structure and function .

21. The nervous system.

22. Eye and ear

23 .Construction of the skeletal system

24. Structure and types of bones

25. Joints - movable joints of bones

Multimedialne ilustracje przedmiotowe, Biologia

  • 370 ilustracji bazowych,
  • 370 ilustracji wraz z opisem,
  • 370 ilustracji do przeprowadzenia ćwiczeń sprawdzających wiedzę uczniów. 

Zakres tematyczny ilustracji obejmuje: tkanki roślinne, tkanki zwierzęce, bakterie, wirusy, pierwotniaki, komórka, glony, grzyby, porosty, paprotniki, rośliny nasienne, DNA-RNA, narządy zmysłów człowieka, systemy korzeniowe, korzenie i liście, układ kostny ssaków, narządy ruchu, układ nerwowy, ruchu, krążenia, krwionośny, oddechowy, pokarmowy, wydalniczy, mięśniowy, rozrodczy człowieka, budowa białek, parzydełkowce, płazińce, przywry, obleńce, pasożyty, ekologia.


Parki narodowe i inne formy ochrony przyrody w Polsce. Atlas i przewodnik.

Moduł poglądowy, zawierający następujący materiał dydaktyczny:

  • pokazanie najważniejszych dla środowiska form ochrony przyrody w Polsce, ich definicje i rozróżnienie,
  • zasady zachowywania się i ograniczenia w obrębie różnych obszarów chronionych, znaczenie poszczególnych tablic informacyjnych i znaków zakazu,
  • opis poszczególnych parków narodowych, ich historia, położenia, najważniejsze walory oraz gatunki zwierząt w nim żyjące,
  • oprogramowanie posiada także omówienie projektowanych parków narodowych - gdzie i dlaczego powinny powstać,
  • interaktywny mini-atlas z zaznaczonymi poszczególnymi parkami narodowymi, ich otulinami, parkami krajobrazowymi, rezerwatami biosfery MAB, a także obiektami wpisanymi na listę światowego dziedzictwa UNESCO.

Moduł atlasowy i ćwiczeniowy:

  • zawiera pakiet interaktywnych map ćwiczeniowych, quizów oraz zagadek na temat różnych form ochrony przyrody w Polsce przygotowanych do użycie na sprzęcie audiowizualnym,
  • kreator map czyli system niezależnego, warstwowego wyświetlania elementów, użytkownik sam komponuje mapę ćwiczeniową korzystając z kilkudziesięciu możliwych kombinacji układu treści,
  • legenda stanowi jednocześnie menu kreatora mapy, pokazując które warstwy są aktualne wyświetlane.





Edukacja dla bezpieczeństwa 





Pracownia wyposażona jest w projektor, ekran i głośniki oraz tablet graficzny.



Pracownia wyposażona jest w projektor, ekran i głośniki oraz tablet graficzny.



Chemistry, Extended Chemistry

The laboratory is equipped with an interactive whiteboard with a projector and a sound bar, a visualiser, a laser pointer and a telescopic pointer.

Multimedia usage in chemistry and nutrition subjects
1. Pupils send their multimedia presentations and discuss them during the lesson.
2. Further usage of prepared presentations by me during continuous process of teaching.
3. Film clip and movie usage during the lesson.
4. Publishers support my work by variety of multimedia materials e.g. films with chemistry experiments etc.
5. During food menu preparation, pupils use nutrients tables directly from the Internet.



The chemistry lab was equipped with a Virtual Nature Lab in chemistry based on materials prepared using virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It includes:

• designing and describing chemical experiments: constructing diagrams of chemical experiments,selecting reagents, laboratory glassware and equipment needed to perform chemical experiments; 

• simulations with animations and graphics showing the course of chemical experiments as well as simulations accompanied by videos of real chemical experiments;

• instructions for performing the experiments;

• videos of actual chemical experiments, with appropriate commentary, allowing students to make observations and then draw conclusions;

• 3D models of chemical structures.


Developed in WLP from Chemistry Topics:

1. Natural radioactivity

2. Preparation of solutions of a given percentage concentration

3. Preparation of solutions of specified molar concentration

4. Reaction and pH of solutions

5. Alkacimetric titration

6. Precipitation reactions

7. Properties of ammonia

8. Differentiation of  limestone from other rocks

9. Catalytic reactions

10 . Obtaining hydrogen

11 . Obtaining oxygen

12. Reactions of metals with oxygen

13. Reactions of metals with hydrochloric acid

14..Reactions of metals with sulphuric and nitric acids

15. Chemical activity of metals

16. Oxidation levels of manganese

17. Galvanic cells

18. Electrolysis of  water.

19. Mono- and polyhydroxyl alcohols

20. Tollens' test

21. Trommer's test

22. Preparation of  soaps

23. Detection of  proteins

24. Sucrose properties

25. Fibres

CHEMISTRY. Interactive charts.

The topics include atoms and molecules, systematics of inorganic compounds, reactions in aqueous solutions, chemical kinetics and electrochemistry. They contain numerous elements which make the lessons more interesting: photo galleries showing the presence of chemistry in everyday life, materials on chemical transformations showing the complexity of these processes, interactive drawings presenting chemical relations with a commentary by the teacher, films with experiments with narration. Interactive exercises at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work. The material combines content for the basic and extended level.

Multimedia subject illustrations, Chemistry

  • 64 base illustrations,
  • 64 illustrations with description,
  • 64 illustrations to test students' knowledge.

Topics covered by the illustrations include: Chemical kinetics and statics. Energetics of chemical reactions Structure of an atom Atoms, molecules Chemical bonds. Intermolecular interactions Hydrocarbons Metals, nonmetals and their compounds Oxidation and reduction reactions Electrochemistry. Cells and electrolysis Carboxylic acids.





The chemistry laboratory has been equipped with a Virtual Nature Laboratory in Physics with materials prepared using virtual (VR) and augmented reality (AR). It includes:

• the possibility to carry out measurements in simulated experiments corresponding to real conditions,

• processing of measurement results taking into account the analysis of measurement uncertainty,

• simulations of physical phenomena based on parameters measured during real experiments,

• online observation sheets enabling students to process and present their measurement results in the form of tables, sketches and graphs, and to record their observations and conclusions.


Developed in WLP from Physics topics:

1. Second law of dynamics

2. Motion on a circle

3. Determination of the coefficient of static friction

4. Buoyancy force

5. Moment of  force

6. Characteristics of celestial bodies in the Solar System

7. Properties of a mathematical pendulum. Determining the value of acceleration of  gravity

8. Work, power, energy

9. Determination of specific heat of a solid

10. Temperature during phase transitions

11. Heat engines

12. Condenser

13. Kirchhoff's first law

14. What does electrical resistance of a conductor depend on?

15. Testing the current-voltage characteristics of a resistor and a light bulb

16. Determination of SEM and internal resistance

17.  A diode in an electrical circuit

18. Home electricity network

19. Movement of charge in a magnetic field.

20. Magnetic field generated by moving charges

21. Transformer

22. Determination of  refractive index

23. Diffraction grating

24. Polarisation of light

25. Decay of a radioactive isotope

PHYSICS. Interactive charts.
The topics include dynamics, gravity and astronomy, waves and optics, thermodynamics, electricity, magnetism, as well as atomic and nuclear physics. They contain numerous elements making lessons more attractive: films with experiments, photo galleries showing interesting applications of physics in everyday life, descriptions of experiments, animations. Interactive tasks at the end of each topic help to test students' knowledge and motivate them to work.

Multimedia subject illustrations, Physics

  • 81 base illustrations,
  • 81 illustrations with descriptions,
  • 81 illustrations to test students' knowledge.

The subject areas of the illustrations include topics such as: Electrostatics Magnetism Waves and optics Mechanics Gravity and elements of astronomy Electric current Thermodynamics Vibrations Atomic physics.


MultiLab: Physics

The application is a multimedia educational set containing 20 bricks with scenarios of experiments in physics and other supporting materials. It includes selected topics from the entire secondary school curriculum, such as: vibrations, pressure, polarization of light, thermal effects, metal resistance, direct and alternating current, and many others. Each brick consists of several elements to be explored in turn. The first is an introduction to the topic, either in the form of a film with an expert from the Copernicus Science Centre, or animation or graphics. The next element is the experimental part requiring pupils' activity, independent action aimed at finding answers to the research questions posed. The last element of each brick is a riddle or puzzle thematically related to the performed experiment. It is a kind of informal test to check the knowledge acquired during the classes.

The topics and experiences included in the application:

1. About measurement and uncertainty
An experiment to show what uncertainty of measurement is and how to use it properly.

2. Falling cones
Experiment showing how the force of air resistance affects the movement of falling objects.

3. Descartes' diver
By performing Descartes' dive, students investigate the conditions under which bodies float, test the compressibility of gases and liquids and learn about the practical application of the law of buoyancy.

4 Like a slingshot
Experiment in which studentss learn about the potential energy of elasticity.

5. Diffusing
Observation of the dependence of the rate of diffusion on the temperature of the liquid in which it occurs.

6. The way to the stars
Experiments showing how astronomers determine distances to celestial bodies outside the Solar System.

7. What floats, can drown
This experiment investigates the phenomenon of buoyancy and the students calculate the density of a liquid using the relationship with the force of buoyancy.

8. Cloud in a bottle
Observation of the phenomenon of condensation when pressure suddenly drops. Students investigate the influence of different elements on this phenomenon.

9. Flood in a glass
Investigation of the classic candle-and-glass experiment in which atmospheric pressure pushes water into an inverted glass.

10 Tick-tock
Investigating elements of the theory of motion of a mathematical pendulum. An example of pendulum motion will be used to analyse oscillatory motion.        

11. Attracting wires
Investigation of magnetic field lines around several different current carrying conductors made by pupils and students.

12 Electromagnet
Building a simple electromagnet and investigating how it works depending on its construction.

13. How to weigh a virus?
Students learn about the phenomenon of weakly damped oscillations of an object with one degree of freedom, its mathematical description and possible applications. They also create a measuring instrument.

14 Rainbow Spectra
The experiment shows that white light is a mixture of different colours. Students can investigate the spectra of different salts.

15. A polarised world.
This experiment is about the phenomenon of polarisation and shows how polarisers work.

16. Laser microscope
In this experiment a drop of water is used as a lens to observe water micro-organisms.

17 Water Lens
In this experiment students learn about the optical properties of water to make convex and concave lenses.

18. Light (in) flows!
Demonstration of the phenomenon of total internal reflection (in the water-oil-air system) which is used in classical sheathed light guides.

19. (Un)white light Experiment showing light splitting on a diffraction grating.

20. Laser from a light bulb
The experiments show the differences and similarities between monochromatic laser light and white light from a light bulb, which is a mixture of many colours.




Information Technology

The school has a computer lab equipped with computer workstations connected to each other via a local network with Internet access. Each computer in the room has installed Windows 10 operating system, Ms Office 2019 Professional and programs for raster graphics, vector graphics, Python language.

In addition, in the studio there are:

projector with screen, visualiser, microphone, set of speakers, flipchart, laser and telescopic pointer, laser printer,

A3 multifunctional device (scanner, printer, photocopier),

a camera with a microphone, video recording and live monitoring.

Each computer workstation is additionally equipped with a HD webcam, headphones with a microphone and mouse pads meeting ergonomic criteria. In order to ensure appropriate working conditions, students' workstations are designed to provide sufficient space and a comfortable sitting position which does not strain the spine and back muscles. The teacher, using a computer and projector, additionally enriches the verbal message with images (photos, films), which better facilitate the understanding of the issues and facts.




Economic subjects

The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser, flipchart, laser and telescopic pointer.

During social studies classes, a variety of motivational multimedia techniques of work are systematically used. The curriculum content is displayed and taught through usage of maps, schemes or interactive exercises. Pupils gain and broaden their knowledge thanks to multimedia presentations, photos and electronic documents. Pupils are able to listen to the content of the most important documents and can see movies presenting them subjects discussed on the lesson. The aim of multimedia lessons is to facilitate learning and interest youth with a subject.




Hospitality subjects

The studio is equipped with an interactive whiteboard with a projector and speakers as well as a visualiser, flipchart, scanner, inkjet printer, laser and telescopic pointer.

During the organization and working techniques in hotel industry lesson I often use multimedia equipment. I prepare interesting presentations and display them during the lesson using multimedia projector and computer. Thanks to that, pupils can gain and learn theoretical knowledge easier. I also often use visualizer. The language of tourism and hotel industry contains a number of foreign language entries which can be easier understood when shown on an example. I often use profession press showing e.g. interesting hotels with a use of visualizer. Multimedia equipment connected to the Internet network enables to virtually explore hotels, continuously update database in student’s workbooks since in field of hotel industry change is quick and has to be followed systematically.

In the hotel classroom there is a Mobile Cabinet with 15 laptops, which are used during classes: Work organization in hospitality and Organization of the reception work, as well as the Basics of hotel management. Students on laptops perform tests preparing for the exam, confirming vocational qualifications in profession of hospitality technician. Students also learn new objects that are created on the map of Poland, as well as take basic steps in using computer programs which are used in hotels. A simulation of real work is performed on the post of recetionist. Ms B. Juzaszek and Mr A. Butor are supervisors of the hotel classroom.




Catering subjects (theoretical)

The laboratory is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser, laser and telescopic pointer.




Confectionery and catering subjects (theoretical)

The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser, laser and telescopic pointer.



Catering subjects (practical)

The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser, flipchart and laser pointer.

During the gastronomic technology classes I often use multimedia equipment. It is the fact that not every dish, product or machine can be shown to pupils during the lesson. That is why using visualizer is so useful while presenting professional press, culinary books, dish production schemes, nutrients, recipes, spices etc. It is easy to use and its operation doesn’t take much time during the lesson. I also prepare interesting presentations and display them using multimedia projector which helps pupils to memorize and learn theoretical information quicker. The multimedia equipment has an Internet connection which is used for displaying short films e.g. food preparation procedure. During the lesson I can also display movies, which I collected throughout the years, and multimedia projector and speakers enable me to offer an interesting and attractive lesson.



The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser and laser pointer.




The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser and laser pointer.




Consumer service

The studio is equipped with a projector, screen and speakers as well as a visualiser, laser and telescopic pointer.



Physical Education  




The Gym


Women's Locker Room

Men's Locker Room


School Playground




School Library


Nurse's Office


The practical knowledge of the subject "Organisation of  work at the reception desk" will be used at first, second and third class level during the school's all-day duty period, namely: welcoming visitors to our school, providing information to teachers, informing the administrative manager of any faults in classrooms, on school premises and around the school, promoting and informing visitors about the school's courses and educational offerings.

On the ground, first and second floors there are electronic information and education boards. This is a system of displaying messages, pictures, films and educational content via electronic screens mounted in the corridors of our school. Students can prepare material which, once approved by the school administrator, appears on the screens.




The Ground Floor 




The First Floor


The Second Floor